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Soar Like an Eagle

Today marked the end of Master Zhuo’s time with his young apprentices. He would assess them in groups to determine how much they have learnt through the last 3 weeks.

They were split into groups of 3 and given some time to practice. It was a great transformation to see how students who 3 weeks ago were stumbling through the steps, now performing them with new found grace and confidence. Master Zhuo commended each one of them after their performance and gave pointers on the areas they would need to focus on.

Our interns managed to talk to the apprentices after their assessment and ask them how they felt about their journey so far. They expressed delight at being given the chance to learn martial art from a former National Coach. The gratitude and appreciation they had for Master Zhuo was apparent from the way they endearingly spoke about his lessons, demonstrations and method of discipline.

The apprentices’s concluded their last day with Master Zhuo by presenting to him a hand made collage of their journey with him memoralised in the form of a collage. The images and well wishes on the collage were a testament of the growth and improvement they have experienced during their time with him.

Next week they will be training with one of the other 3 masters as per their grouping.

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