Introducing Our Young Participants...
Chen Nuo, 15
Chen Nuo professes his love for League of Legends.
Zi Jie, 13
Zi Jie spends most of his free time playing basketball and loves the game.
Bridget, 13
Video games are what interest Bridget, a self-professed gamer girl.
Taufiq, 13
A soccer fan, Taufiq likes having the same name as pop star Taufik Batisah.
Syafiq, 13
A natural at making wacky poses for the camera, Syafiq is also a soccer enthusiast.

Dalya, 14
Dalya is a full-time teenage girl, part-time graceful dancer.
Aidil, 14
His passion is in playing the guitar and Aidil reckons he plays pretty well. :)
Isaac, 14
More comfortable with his PC, this journey takes Isaac out of his usual comfort zone.
Larry, 14
An avid gamer, now is Larry's time to learn real-life martial skills.
Samuel, 13
Samuel enjoys alternative sports and has recently started playing Ultimate Frisbee.
Damien, 13,
Damien is not a stranger to martial arts having learnt Tae Kwon Do but relishes the opportunity to train in traditional Chinese martial arts.
Maziah, 14,
Trained in Malay dance, Maziah likes to be mysterious.
Casey, 13,
On a scale of 1 to 10, Casey says badminton is a 9 on her list of interests.
Seri, 13,
A fan of K-pop, Seri seeks to be able to dance like her favourite K-pop stars.
Chanel, 13,
A pianist, Chanel has achieved a grade 6 in her piano examinations.

Eden, 13,
Eden enjoys being around his friends and making sure he is the life of the party!
Edwina, 13,
With her powerful kicks, Edwina says she is taking to martial arts very well.
Manjie, 13,
Going by the name MJ, Manjie says not many people know her full name.
Arifa, 13,
Arifa’s believes social media is a powerful platform for communication and uses this to connect with others.
Fauzi, 13,
Fauzia enjoys sharing her daily life through social media and connecting with friends
Rahman, 13
Rahman is a focused youth who enjoys discovering how martial arts can be used to defend himself and make him a stronger person.
Evangeline is a playful girl whose deft movements make her a natural athlete and she often joins the boys to play soccer.
Aina, 13
A natural leader, Aina enjoys helping her friends and motivating her friends during the training.