Building a Stronger Singapore...
The Chinese have a saying "强国必先强民" - "To build a strong country, first you need to build strong citizens." The recent passing of Mr Lee...
More than just learning how to fight...
In the session, we can see how the apprentices are building new bonds with their new teachers. While there were initial language...
A New Phase of Learning
Today’s session marks the second phase of the project. The apprentices will be introduced to 3 new instructors to focus on learning one...
Winners of the Martial Homework Assignment
Winners of the Martial Homework Assignment The project team went through the submissions from the participants for the homework...

Soar Like an Eagle
Today marked the end of Master Zhuo’s time with his young apprentices. He would assess them in groups to determine how much they have...
Martial Homework!
Last week on Journey of Martial Apprenticeship, we tasked the apprentices to write in Chinese the 24 movements of the Eagle Claw style of...
What's gonna work? TEAM Work!
It's Session 4 and the students are progressing well! The apprentices were looking forward to kick it off with their usual warm ups but...

Our Veteran Instructors featured 'live' on The 5 Show!
The 5 Show featured our SG50: Journey of Martial Apprenticeship project. They provided an overview of the project and insights from our 4...
It's not about just learning how to fight...
As part of the SG50: Journey of Martial Apprenticeship, the project team wanted students to not only learn about martial arts but to also...
The Beginning of Our Journey...
Session 1 of the Martial Apprenticeship Journey started with our interns getting themselves acquainted with the chosen apprentices at...